AI based app that provides guidance on techniques to immediately relieve symptoms of dysphasia suffered by people with Achalasia. Also provides a list of common triggers, and. information on lifestyle changes to help alleviate symptoms.
The techniques are designed to promote autonomic balance via activation of the vagus nerve which can enhance innervation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
Achalasia App
This product aims to promote relaxation of the LES in Achalasia sufferers where narrowing of the esophagus juncture has occurred resulting in the restriction of the passage of food to the stomach.
As there a wide range of causes of Achalasia the techniques may not work for everyone. They will benefit most those who have psychological or physical stress induced triggers.
An API key from openAI is required to use this product. They are available for free upon logging on to the openAI website. Instructions for obtaining the API key are contained within the product.